With Java Card 3.0 a connected card is becoming a reality than a dream.
The connected version of the cards Virtual Machine will be close to the J2ME CLDC configuration but with some major differences. The traditional Java Card (Classic) will exist and evolve in parallel.
However, it comes to mind that probably my credential is better off not being connected to the Internet ... A token which is in my pocket is fairly secure. A token is unconnected is a safer heaven for my credential information than a connected device.
I love the idea of making my credential available to the world ... that would be cool. However, with connecting comes the fear of destruction and non-availability attacks.
I love the idea of making my credential available to the world ... that would be cool. However, with connecting comes the fear of destruction and non-availability attacks.
Well, well ... the days of cards with firewall are probably not too far. Java Card 3.0 will be the enabler for such securely connected device, which is smart enough to protect it from outside threats like worms and viruses.
I felt the same when I got my first contactless card ... and then world came up with the idea of adding controls through the use of paper and plastic RF opaque sleeves ...